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FedEx and the HCA are pleased to offer a shipping discount program for HCA members.

The HCE FedEx discount is intended for the use of our members for the shipping of coffee and related items. Please ensure that that your business is aligned with one of the HCA membership categories, and that the FedEx discount will be used in a supporting manner. FedEx has the authority to approve or reject the use of the HCA FedEx discount. If you have any questions about whether your business and/or shipping needs qualify for use of the HCA FedEx discount, please e-mail our FedEx representative Jonathan Blonder prior to becoming a member.

Details on the following FedEx discount programs are available: FedEx Discount Program

Please note that FedEx is unable to provide detailed discount numbers in this forum. If you need details on discounts and pricing, beyond what is included at the links above, please e-mail our FedEx rep Jonathan Blonder directly.

The steps necessary to take advantage of the FedEx - HCA discount program include:

1) Make sure that you are a current member of HCA at any level of membership. Click here to verify your HCA membership.

2) Have an existing FedEx account number. If you need a FedEx account number, please click here.

3) Send e-mail to our FedEx representative, Jonathan Blonder, asking to have your FedEx account enabled for the FedEx HCA discount. Be sure to include your FedEx account number and your business name. Please ensure that your name / business name matches between your HCA membership and your FedEx account.

It may take several business days for the discount eligibility to be confirmed and the discount enabled on your FedEx account. Please be patient, Mahalo!

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